The new year is upon us,
and we all should be pondering how to keep our country at its best and beautiful. With all the turmoil going on in the world, America still stands strong. Vulcan stands behind our domestic products that carry the strength of America. The reliable customer support and response facilitates the demand for quality control and excellent service. Vulcan Wire & Packaging gives customers the power to keep America’s baling and shipping operations vigorously consistent.
Domestic strength and consistent wire. The goal of baling wire is to have the greatest strength available within a single strand. This involves strict specifications of carbon in the steel.
Don’t be fooled. Import wire lacks the consistent high standards of American quality, which can lead to over-gauging and paying for more wire than is realized. Vulcan does have options of import wire, which are endlessly tested to meet the performance standards still required even for the most sensitive budgets.
Strengthen the community and keep our planet green.
USA continues to be recognized as a powerful country because of the people within its communities. We aim to keep the strength of our wire, at the same time, strengthen the community by supporting the recycling industry and donating to charity organizations and local high schools.
The power of quality control. Quality control is in your hands with Vulcan Wire. Get the quality products you need and help support the community.
Real people with straight answers. No automated phone service.
When you contact Vulcan by phone, email, or in person, we welcome you with honesty and integrity. You will never get an automated phone service to bore you to tears. Speak with a real person at Vulcan, you have the power of quality control and community support. We wish America and our global friends a Prosperous, Happy New Year!!
Tags: wire strength, domestic wire, import wire, recycling industry, strengthen community, american wire