How our fore-fathers secured their cargo
Since the dawn of manufacturing, the advancement in securing cargo introduced baling wire, steel banding, and plastic strapping. These supplies have provided shippers with efficient and effective securing methods based on the application. Before these useful products were made available, however, the classic way to secure your wagon full of gear was with some trusty rope.
A good rope was not the only thing you needed.
At the rope’s prime, a few reliable knots was carnal knowledge. Today, that knowledge is almost a trade secret among sailors and boy scouts. The square knot (shown right) and half hitches are some of the common knots that every young lad had to learn.
The most useful of the knots, the truckers hitch and truckie hitch (WISE Driving School video and shown below), are for securing a load on the bed of a truck or trailer. These knots have also been known as the Million Dollar Knot because it saves you millions of dollars in secured cargo.
You can try mastering these knots (preferably days before you go on your next camping trip) to amaze your family and friends. The knots are reliable in getting your load strapped down tight, and cleverly knotted to undo your load with ease. Nothing like some old time carnal knowledge to have you feeling hotter than a honeymoon hotel.
Another smart move is to get the correct tensile strength needed to hold your load. As well as order your shipping supplies from Vulcan Wire. We provide excellence in wire and packaging for your load securing needs.