Balers are simple machines that pack, cut and tie materials to keep your business running smoothly. That said, if someone doesn’t provide the correct maintenance, there is much that can go wrong.
In this article, Vulcan Wire provides you with the important tips your business needs to ensure your baler machine continues to operate despite common baler machine problems and the solutions to keep your downtime to a minimum.
If your business needs quality parts to replace damage to your baler, then parts are available for the Accent 470 Wire Tier, Accent 330 Wire Tier (formerly Leggett & Platt – L&P) and Accent 340 Wire Tier (formerly Leggett & Platt – L&P).
Clean the Baler
Regularly cleaning the baler sounds like it should be obvious, but it would surprise you to know the many operational failures that happen from neglect. Problems such as the machine simply not performing optimally, to as serious as a fire ignited by the buildup of flammable dust near the hot metal.
Keep Spare Parts for Everything
Don’t wait for problems to arise before you order replacement parts. Even with regular inspections, there will always be the possibility of sudden failure. Hydraulic components in particular should be top priority, as supply and shipping times vary wildly depending on where you’re operating. This is particularly devastating with cylinders, which can take several weeks to replace. It is wise to have at least one and preferably two spares for every part of the machine.
Plan Maintenance Ahead of Time
Building on the previous tip, don’t wait until things break to replace parts. Regularly inspect the baler to determine what needs to be replaced urgently. A quality maintenance schedule will break down inspections into categories that are manageable. You also should keep daily, weekly, and monthly checklists to ensure you have not skipped categories.
Ensure Proper Employee Training
Nothing is worse than a completely preventable mistake, which you will make if you don’t employ or train your staff, that comes into contact with the baler, correctly. Even if you have an up-to-date, automated baler, don’t assume that makes it any less important. A poor operator will break your machinery and cost your business money in time and repairs.
Use Vulcan Wire
Balers require a certain level of care to ensure perfected operation. When you follow the guidelines carefully you maximize the lifetime of the equipment. Vulcan Wire are here to help by providing you with quality baler tie device parts to maintain your machinery.
Contact us today if you want to learn more about our products.